Video Clips from Our Course

Developmental Politics Course Clips

Free Developmental Politics Course

The 9 video clips below are excerpted from Steve McIntosh’s 9-week Zoom course entitled: Becoming Part of the Solution: A Course in Post-Progressive Politics. The course, hosted by The Alligned Center in New York, was held from February to April 2021. These 9 short clips provide a brief introduction to some central elements of developmental political philosophy. The clips also address common questions frequently posed by those who are new to this approach.

Starting with “why” and introducing the concept of cultural intelligence (15 minutes)

Answering the question:

Don’t we need to reform campaign finance laws before we can make meaningful political progress? (4 minutes)


Answering the question:

How can we work with the other side when they deny the facts and have their own version of “the truth?” (2 minutes)

Answering the question:

Why do you use the term “post-progressive?” (6 minutes)

Answering the question:

How can you claim to be “more evolved,” isn’t that elitist? (14 minutes)


Answering the question:

On what basis can you claim that progressivism is more advanced than modernity or traditionalism? (8 minutes)


Answering the question:

Why isn’t post-progressivism simply mature progressivism? (4 minutes)


Answering the question:

Why don’t you just advocate political centrism? (2 minutes)

A basic explanation of the emerging post-progressive perspective with slides (12 minutes)

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